Online learning platform dedicated to providing secure development training for software development teams.

With a focus on security-first methodologies, SafeStack helps organizations build security skills that are practical, effective, and role-specific.

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Secure Development Training:

  • Self-Paced Learning: Tailored courses that allow learners to progress at their own pace, ensuring flexibility while maintaining quality.
  • Role-Specific Training: Specialized training programs designed for different roles within a development team, from developers to security professionals.
  • Regular Seminars: Engaging and informative seminars conducted by industry experts to keep teams updated on the latest in secure development practices.

Metrics and Reporting:

  • Tracking Team Progress: Comprehensive tools to monitor the advancement of your team’s security skills.
  • Program Alignment: Helping organizations stay aligned with their Application Security (AppSec) programs by integrating metrics with strategic goals.
  • Standards Integration: Seamless integration with major standards like ISO27001 and PCI DSS to ensure compliance and continual improvement.

SCORM Licensing:
  • Support for SCORM: SafeStack supports SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) licensing, which allows organizations to integrate their own training content into the SafeStack platform.
  • Customization and Flexibility: Organizations can customize training programs by integrating proprietary content that meets their specific needs.


Online Learning Platform

  • Secure Development Courses: A wide array of courses that focus on secure coding, threat modeling, and secure software development lifecycle practices.
  • Interactive Labs: Hands-on labs that simulate real-world scenarios, allowing learners to practice and refine their skills in a controlled environment.
  • Learning Pathways: Curated learning paths designed to guide learners through progressive stages of skill development.

Compliance and Certification

  • Certification Programs: Upon completion of courses, learners can achieve certifications that validate their secure development skills.
  • Compliance Support: SafeStack offers tools and resources to help organizations meet regulatory and compliance requirements, including ISO27001 and PCI DSS.

Custom Training Solutions

  • Bespoke Training Content: Tailored training content that meets the unique security needs of your organization.
  • Consultation and Support: Expert guidance and support in developing and implementing custom training programs that align with your organization’s objectives.

Metrics and Reporting Tools

  • Dashboard Analytics: Comprehensive dashboards that provide insight into training progress, areas for improvement, and overall team performance.
  • Regular Reporting: Automated reporting features that help organizations stay on track with their AppSec programs.

Vision & Mission

Vision: To be the leading platform for secure development training, helping organizations worldwide build security capabilities that protect them against evolving threats.

Mission: To empower development teams with the knowledge and skills needed to create secure software, fostering a security-first culture within organizations.

Global Reach

Training Available Worldwide: SafeStack’s online platform is accessible to teams around the globe, ensuring that secure development practices can be learned and implemented anywhere.

Localized Content: Training materials are adapted to meet the regulatory and cultural needs of different regions, ensuring relevance and applicability.