Threat-intelligence-based Breach & Attack Simulations
Per-zone key indicators for Risk, Threat & Control levels
ROI-optimized mitigation plan based on user preferences & budget
Quarterly hardening plan implementation planner
Customizable reports for risk posture and compliance auditing
Fully IEC 62443-compliant for ZCRs & zone FRs
Radiflow CIARA is the first-of-its-kind ROI-driven risk assessment & management platform for industrial organizations. CIARA employs a threat intelligence-driven breach & attack simulation (OT-BAS) engine for assessing risk. Radiflow’s OT-BAS algorithm calculates the per-zone likelihood of attacks and the effectiveness of corresponding risk-mitigation measures (both installed and proposed), and accounts for the impact of attacks on different business processes. This is done using thousands of data points for network, asset, locale, industry, adversary capabilities and attack tactics.
Generation of baseline topology & behavior model, including all devices, ports and connections
DPI protocol-based analysis of a mirrored network traffic stream, with no disruption of operations
Central-location deployment (using iSAP Smart Collectors) or local deployment at remote sites
Continuous supervision of configuration changes in PLCs and other network devices
Detection of down-vector vulnerabilities caused by networked device interoperability
Central management of multiple iSID instances at MSSP’s SOC using Radiflow iCEN
Centered around the iSID industrial threat detection & management platform, the Radiflow solution enables local (on-premises) or central monitoring at the corporate or at an MSSP’s SOC. The solution incorporates the iSAP smart collector, installed at distributed networks’ remote sites, to collect, compress (to prevent network overload) and send over GRE all LAN traffic from the local switch, using port mirroring to a centrally installed iSID over VPN tunnels; and the iCEN management solution for large distributed networks, for monitoring large iSID arrays through a single dashboard.